The next step after installating a new project application is to setup the application in order to enable an easy development environment. It is always important to configure a new project application before heading on to develop applications. This configuration process is very easy to run.

Console Configuration
  • The easiest way to configure a new project is to run the complete configuration command below:
      php mi config:all
    The command above will generate a new interactive console for setting up the following parameters:
    • Application logic to be used to render web pages. To understand which logic is desirable for your project, we suggest to visit here for more information.
    • Database connection parameters required for offline development environments.
    • Database connection parameters required for online environments. This parameters configuration is optional in offline environment but is required when the project becomes life. This can be configured later in the icore/dbconfig.php file.
    • Default user database name required for storing the basic information of all users. This is also where the information of all session users will be fetched from.
    • Default database name required for storing the basic information of all users. This is also where the required database tables for storing data will be added. This may be generated if it does not already exist.
    • Default user database table required for storing the basic information of all users. This is also where the information of all session users will be fetched from.
    • Default user id column in user database table where all user id is stored. The user id can be an autogenerated id or any unique field (e.g email).
    • Other configurations are mostly related to development environment preferences which are quite easy to understand.
It is highly discourged to use the spoova source pack as project folder.

Manual configuration
Basic configuration can be applied for live server, resource meta and session control

  • Live Server:
    Spoova comes with an internal php live server (beta). Attached to the live server is a live debug system (beta) that runs upon the live server. The liveserver is mainly designed for local environment but can also be enabled in live environments. This follows the options listed below:
    The live server can be configured as:
    enables the live server for only offline environments
    enables the live server for both online and offline environments
    suspends the liveserver.

  • Resource Meta:
    Spoova comes with an inbuilt meta tags controller. When activated, default environment (i.e $_ENV) meta tag settings are applied to all pages during resource importation. Resource importation is further discussed under Resource class .

  • Database Control:
    Sessions are handled putting into consideration, the frequently built systems which involves a User-App relationship. In order to control a User-App flow or relationship, sessions are handled in relation with the database configuration systems. Building this relationship requires that certain default session-database configurations must be made when initializing a project application.

    The required configurations are stated below:

    This refers to the Database table name that contains all users basic information
    Example: USER_TABLE: users;

    This refers to the Database table unique column set for identifying each user
    Example: USER_ID_FIELDNAME: email;

    This refers to the Database table column set to store cookies used that may be used for remember me.
    Example: COOKIE_FIELDNAME: cookie;

  • All respective config keys should be placed (or can be found) in the init file (i.e icore/init). These keys are automatically configured either by the web installer tool or the terminal during configuration.