Before proceeding to start development, it is important to ensure that some few things
are set in place. The following are the essential things to check before proceeding with
Getting ready
Spoova does an automatic caliberation of project folder once it is created. It is suggested to keep the name of project folders strictly as
strings without any special characters which may lead to undesired responses. The caliberation system enables the project app to properly
configure the .htaccess file.
Upon a successful installation using the in-built installation tool,
you will be redirected to your app's home page
After installation, ensure that your application is properly configured by checking the following files:
.htaccess : Error document should point to your project folder name.
icore/dbconfig.php : File should contain the correct definition of your database configuration for offline or online environments (or both)
icore/init : File should contain other configuration keys and respective values.
Session control : The session class requires a user table which is defined in the "icore/init" file. This must be created before using session class.
If any of the file above is not properly configured, you can do a manual installation by setting up the configuration keys in their relative configuration files.