#style:blockid body { background-color : red; } #style;
/* style........ blockid: */ body { background-color : red; } /* style........ blockid; */
followed by
any length of dot character, then finally ended with the opening unique id along with a colon suffix. The
closing comment block is similar to the opening comment block except that the unique id is ended with a semicolon delimiter
suffix. Any content that stays within these comment blocks is considered as a css code. Also, just like the old layout we can have
multiple layouts within a css template layout file. An example of this is shown below:
/* style........ theme1: */ body { background-color : white; } /* style........ theme1; */ /* style........ theme2: */ body { background-color : black; } /* style........ theme2; */
#script:blockid function hello() { alert('hello'); } #script;
/* script........ blockid: */ function hello() { alert('hello'); } /* script........ blockid; */
followed by
any length of dot character, then finally ended with the opening unique id along with a colon suffix. The
closing comment block is similar to the opening comment block except that the unique id is ended with a semicolon delimiter
suffix. Any content that stays within these comment blocks is considered as a css code. Also, just like the old layout we can have
multiple layouts within a css template layout file. An example of this is shown below:
/* #script........ js1: */ function hello() { alert('hello'); } /* #script........ js1; */ /* #script........ js2: */ hello(); /* #script........ js2; */
// #script........ js1: function hello() { alert('hello'); } // #script........ js1;
importing directive remains the same.